Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guess What???

Someone has a new camera and she's going to be out in the gorgeous Fall weather practicing how to use it.

I hope to have some really cool photos to share with you later on.

Until then...enjoy your day.

I am just so friggin' excited. It is wonderful to have such good friends. Thank you to my special someone, you know who you are!!!

This is Home Girl and I will be shooting the rest of the day!! Maybe the rest of the month!


  1. Oh, do tell! What kind of camera did you get? Can't wait to see all the pictures you're taking! I know they'll be keepers! Have a wonderful day, Marlene!

  2. Oooh, can't wait to see what shots you come back with. Today was absolutely GORGEOUS out there!

  3. YIPPEE! Congrats on your new contraption. I never travel ANYwhere without my little point and shoot.
