Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting More Than You Ask For

I am going to preface this post with, "I have not been praying for snow".

I have been drinking hot chocolate from my snowflake mug and Russia is about to take that mug outside and smash it ceremoniously, in hopes of breaking whatever strange weather hold Mother Nature has on us right now because....

Tomorrow is going to be another "event" for us on the Southeast Atlantic Coast.

According to all available data and resources (which are numerous) and in agreement with the National Weather Service, Southern portions of Virginia (up through Richmond) and Northern sections of North Carolina are going to receive up to 4 inches of new snow and or ice on Thursday.  The most recent white stuff falling from the sky was measured here in Olde Towne at 2 a lot more than what is photographed here, okay?

These same powers are also predicting a fairly large system that will move across the area this coming Sunday allowing more wintry weather to traipse through.

Ho, ho, ho...Merry Christmas.

I didn't do it, I swear.

People are funny when it comes to me and weather...they act like I have some ability to make it snow.  I don't and if I did, then I should definitely be making a lot more money than I currently am.  That only seems fair, if "I am THAT good!"

I just tell it like it is, and the fact of the matter is...Virginia is going to get some snow.  Virginia deserves this as it has been some time since we have had wintry weather two years in a row.  I mean, we got some snow in February last year, but this current pattern has eluded us for the past...say, 50 years!

There is no doubt, I am a snow baby.  I love snow.  I crave snow.  It makes me uber happy and I think this is because every time it snows in the Southern portions of Virginia, it is quite a miracle.  It takes the right conditions...the right set up, to make for a snow day here in Tidewater.  I get as excited as a school girl about it, too.

La, la, la,'s snowing.  Well, not yet, but it will be.  Our neighbors will all get some snow from this first system, too.  We like to share here in Virginia.  We are nice like that.

This is Home Girl and I'm getting excited!!


  1. My son called about the pending snow storm. He is not as excited as you are!!

  2. I think it's all here because you moved back. God is happy you are here too!

    p.s. should I even come to work on Thursday??? I have PT at 11 on Thursday and the kids have Carol Night at 7 pm.

  3. Well, you were right about our snow. The kids had TWO days off. That is unheard of around here.

    And, yes, I think you do have that snow ability. So stop it now. I'm good for one storm a year and I'm done now.

  4. I've been telling my family for months that it was going to be a white winter:)

  5. You've had much more snow that we have!

  6. So jealous! Now, if that doesn't put you in the Christmas spirit, I don't know what will!
