Monday, January 10, 2011

i heart faces ~ Smile

I would like to introduce this incredible smile to you.

This is Colonel William Crawford, who fathered Portsmouth, Virginia where my beloved Olde Towne sits perched upon the shores of the Elizabeth River.  Founded in 1752, on sixty five acres of Mr. Crawford's extensive plantation lands, he carved out the plans for what would become the home to the United States first naval shipyard.  The square where he mapped out a jail, a courthouse, a church, and merchant shops is still there today.

Colonel Crawford is portrayed by the wonderfully intriguing Eric Price.  His vast knowledge of colonial history mixed with his articulate accent, transport you back in time.  He is available both for group and private walking tours throughout the historic district.  He is a treasure to Olde Towne.  (He makes me smile everytime I see him...and sometimes he makes me blush.)

We recently found him meandering through the shops visiting with First Friday participants, saying hello to the shop keeps, and adding to the ambiance that is Olde Towne.  How could you not love a smile like that?

Please go visit the other entries linked on the i heart faces site.  There are really the most amazing photographers out there capturing something we all need to do a lot more of....


This is Home Girl and I hope today brings you something to smile about.


  1. What a charming story! I love his smile amd how wonderful it is to have someone like Eric living in your town to share the history. Love this!

  2. That is a great smile! Great shot! He really lights up the room with his smile!

  3. What a fun and unique shot. He looks like a really fun person!

  4. If my teeth were that good I'd smile too. :D

  5. What a great smile and capture for IHF :) I would love to be passionate about history!

  6. I love wine, but this is a great photo because I think you can really tell this guy is happy to be doing what he's doing!

  7. That is an excellent shot! Good luck on the contest! Great meeting you! I love Joey.. his blog is so fun isn't it! Will keep in touch and my blessing to your child too :)

  8. Wait. There's a face there? All I can see is wine.

  9. Love that shot--you have real talent! And thanks for stopping in and giving me confidence--you know I wouldn't have known about this link except for you. I hope I can get myself out of the house enough to do this each week--but we'll have to see.
