Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy First Birthday Communal Global and Some Me Time...

Going back to The Spit was great...despite any fears I may have had about what I would feel.  My love for The Spit has changed and although I rather enjoyed myself, I knew deep in my heart, I love Olde Towne more.

It was a relaxing weekend filled with lots of laugh, great food, and even better friends.  I even managed some "Me Time", walking alone along the beach on a cold morning, shooting photos.

I want to wish Communal Global a Very Happy First Birthday!!  What a great group of people from all over the world to be a part of.  It truly gives you a window to the world and I am so glad I joined this group...not only is the photography stunning, but each of the contributors has an amazing soul.

I hope this image warms your soul today if you are dealing with less than stellar weather and temperatures.  Don't be fooled though...it was so cold and windy when I shot this, but it brings hope that warmer days are ahead.  Hope springs eternal!!

Tomorrow is a very exciting day.  Project Me at The Maddy Chronicles begins and I will be the first one to post!!  I am rather thrilled about it all!  I hope you join us.

This is Home Girl and I dream of warm days on the beach.  And you?


  1. We have snow, sleet and freezing rain. Hell, yes, I am thinking about warmer weather! Heard your temps were going to get to 70 in the next few days. Moving is starting to look good to me!!

  2. Dreaming alongside you for warm days at the beach! :)

    That image totally made me chuckle. :)

    I'll definitely check out your post at Maddy's tomorrow!

  3. It's cold and drizzling rain here...nothing like the kind of weekend we had with temps. in the low 70's. I want it to come back SOON! What a great and colorful picture of the beach balls!

  4. Such fun shots...and I'm right there with you, especially after the beautiful weekend we had in GA. So glad you stopped by!

  5. That second shot is great! I can't wait for the warmer weather, not that we get much here in the UK!

    Glad the weekend went ok.

  6. Oh : ) He definitely made this icy day a little warmer ; ) I am glad your trip back 'home' was good for your soul!

  7. Beautiful colors! THanks for popping by today! :-)

  8. Ohhh!!! The sun feels so warm!! I am fed up of the shivers we have down here!!!
    I love Communal Global too just like you..:)

  9. I think the photos warmed me up by at least 10 degrees! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  10. That definitely does warm me up - although tomorrow it's supposed to be 70 here. Crazy weather!

  11. I could use a little beach scenery right now...instead of this white glistening wonderland(?!) crap we're getting!

  12. Great photos. I am ready for warm weather.
