Friday, February 11, 2011

Yes, I have Pink Hair


I was in desperate need of a cut and color.  I have very ethnic hair.  It is terribly difficult to find people who are capable of understanding how to cut my hair and of course there's the coloring issue.  I wanted something a little wild, sassy, and free.  A new hair style that says, "Home Girl".


Pink hair in graduating shades from bright to dark which is not staying after Valentine's Day, but is really fun and a super asymetrical cut that is short, short, short in the back and long in the week I am having mocha layers added in.

Ya Home Girl can do her thang!  (I do have amazing natural curls)

Yesterday, I photographed a wedding in Washington, D.C.  It was amazing.  I was so thrilled to be a part of the wedding as the photographer.  This is my favorite shot.  I promise to share more in the next few days.

This is Home Girl and I believe in love that knows no bounds.  To me, that is real love.


  1. I LOVE the new hair!!! You look so spunky!

  2. Love the hair! I am jealous. I have baby fine thin hair. No curls, no body. Lank, lifeless, dull. The pink is cool for Valentines, but I think mocha will be fun, too.

  3. Aww the hair is very cool and I can't wait to see more photos of the wedding!!!

    Great shades! :D

  4. Ok...the hair will take a few minutes for me...but that shot of the new couple? Sheer beauty. Blessings to them.

  5. Wow!! You're bold, Home Girl! But I love it! I've always wanted fire engine red hair like Rhianna, but never had the courage to do it. I say rock on with your bad "pink hair" self! :) And I too belive in love that knows no bounds! Can't wait to see more pics from the wedding!
