Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Promise More Tomorrow!

I really do.  I finally have a clear and unscheduled day where I can write and comment on my favorite blogs.  I know those that have been reading for a few years now understand and most know what I have been up to on that social platform called Face Crack, but for those that have missed me, I do sincerely apologize for my absence.

I got it excused from the principal.  It was worth it.  Trust and believe.

I have missed you all terribly, though.  My heart would ache at times, I missed you all so much.  I had my lap top with me, but apparently Virginia does not believe in 4G wireless and well...

3G coverage does not like large photo files, so I needed to wait until I got home.

It was a great adventure that is turning into some more adventures in my near future.  Great things are happening.

God is just SO good!

This is Home Girl and I missed my Homies more than you'll ever know!


  1. Well, I for one have been wondering where the heck you were! Dish, girly, dish!!

  2. Yeah...curious here as well!

  3. yes been anticipating ... patiently :)

  4. So happy to see you're back! Can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  5. Isn't HE though? Thanks for reminding me--I need someone to smack me across the face with that every single day. Well--maybe not quite smack...nor quite across the face...but you know what I mean.

    Even when things get rough--it doesn't lessen HIS mercy or grace any at all. It just makes us appreciate how awful things would be WITHOUT Him, I think.

  6. God is so good! I am glad you had a wonderful adventure. Laughed about your 3g versus 4g woes : )

  7. So happy you're back! I was starting to worry about where you'd gone off to! I was hoping you didn't quit on us already ;o)
