Monday, March 14, 2011

You Want This Easy Recipe For A Divine Dinner, I Swear.

What happens when you take three good friends who are all going through a few relationship problems and add good food and wine?  You get three good friends who were much calmer together, than we would have been apart.

What could have been disaster turned into a wonderful day.  Do you ever have those pivotal days?  It could go either way, but in keeping a Happy Heart...all is well.

My BBFF, also known as Thing One, made the most incredible dinner last night.  It was simple in it's elegance, but let me tell you right now...this bad boy is decadent.

Pecan Encrusted Chicken Breasts stuffed with fresh Spinach and Colby/Monterrey Jack Cheese which was served over rice.  It was paired with Black Box Chardonnay.  A perfect meal for whatever (and whomever) ails you.

Thing One began by crushing about a cup of chopped pecans.  He placed the pecans on a few folded paper towels and then rolled an empty wine bottle over them until they were good and crushed.

He performed the same rolling task over large chicken breasts until they were thin and flat.  Take one chicken breast, dip into an egg wash comprised of 3 eggs scrambled well and a dash of milk... a layer of fresh spinach leaves and a heaping handful of shredded cheese onto the flattened chicken breast.  Roll up.  Dip the rolled breasts into the crushed pecans until covered, place onto a broiler pan, and then spear with two or three tooth picks to stabilize the perfect pockets of wonderment.  Take whatever pecan crumbs are left and sprinkle on top of the chicken.  You will thank me later when you taste the toasted pecans on the rice.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.  Peek on it occasionally and let the aromas dance around your kitchen.  Make your favorite rice dish to accompany the chicken.  Notice all the cheesy goodness coming out??? That's what I'm talking about, baby.

Serve the chicken breasts on top of the rice and call "All the Churrin' " to dinner.  You know those meals where everyone is silent because the food is THAT was one of those nights.

Yes, it really was.  The wine was great, too.  Have you ever tried Black Box Chardonnay?  I was impressed.

This is Home Girl and I loved it when Star Jones (on Celebrity Apprentice) said, "If you are trying to take out The Queen, you better kill her first."  My thoughts exactly.


  1. Looks yummy! I'm surprised the pecans stuck that well to the chicken without dredging in egg batter, but obviously I don't know from nothin'. : ) Thanks Marlene! Can we link to this in the recipe group?

  2. Holy cow, that looks good! And I, too, am a fan of the Black Box wines. Especially the Shiraz.

  3. Oh my word, I just HAVE to try this! Spinach and cheese? And crushed pecans, too? Definitely have to try it.

  4. Wow--that looks awesome--really. I wonder how I'll fool my husband into eating spinach. Well, not possible, but maybe I could leave it out of his .

    I'm supposing you meant "whisked or beaten" eggs instead of scrambled..I mean, just sayin'! ;)

    This looks like a dish that you could serve to anyone..who eats spinach!

    (Your word verification was rutheat...what's going on over there in the Happy heart home?!lol )

  5. Wow, wow, wow!! Looks delicious! I love those long days spent in the company of friends. Spending time with friends is the best cure for whatever ails you :)

  6. Oh yummo gosh that looks devine and has made me soooo hungry!!

    Happy eating Heidi ..
