Thursday, April 5, 2012

This and That Thursday~Back At The Old Crib

My knee isn't working didn't work yesterday either and I am not thrilled about that.  I will not blame it on the recent Pole Fitness - Chair Dancing - Booty Clap Class that I got to take last weekend...although I am almost positive there might be a correlation.

(I refuse to also admit that my 48 year old butt had no business attempting to pole dance...nope, complete refusal.)

I hate to be in pain.  I have a rather intense case of ADHD and immobilization is not in my vocabulary.

I have things to do, deadlines to meet, and putting weight on my knee is required.

The Fam is planning a Day Trip to Williamsburg for Easter Lunch and if you know me, then you know how much I love to visit The Burg any time of the year.  Lunch at the King's Arm Tavern and then a shopping trip to the new Williamsburg Pottery are on tap and I refuse to miss it.

Is it too early for a walker??  Or a Hov-a-round?

I wish we could drive golf carts through Olde Towne....

Sexy Cookies 
I love making hand designed cookies more than anything on this Earth.  I turn on some great music and really get into it.  I have a lot of cookies to make in the next three days.  I have a Kindergarten Easter Party, an Art Show, and family cookies to work on.

It would be so much more enjoyable if my knee was not screaming at me.

I also have some more of these bad boys to make.  Hot Cross Buns are such a fun Spring tradition...I used Pdub's recipe, which is closely similar to her Cinnamon Bun recipe...which I absolutely adore.  You know how when you try out a recipe and the instructions are clear cut and you have a lot of experience and things just go wrong and you can't figure out why...and then you think that maybe the ingredient amounts must be off because the person posting the recipe is a complete B and wants you to fail, so they wrote the wrong amounts....Yes, Pdub doesn't do that.  Neither do I...just so ya know.

What in the hell would someone have to gain by posting a recipe knowing the amounts of the listed ingredients is wrong??

Some people just kill me.


I have to get back to cookies now...these bunnies and carrots are calling my name.  Are they not the cutest??

I do hope you enjoy your Spring weekend.  I plan on pushing through the pain and enjoying mine, no matter what.

This is Home Girl and I might need a new knee soon.


  1. Beans an. The butt and boob cookies are killin me. And i love the lines on the carrot. Top notch.

  2. Ok spell check, you messed up my beginning laughter.

    1. Hahaha....glad to know I make people laugh!!

    2. Okay, chicky, you are not the only one in pain. My back hurts and so does my neck. My neck is going in the wrong direction according to my chiropractor. I guess I should quit cancelling my appointments since I've met my deduct with the insurance. Haha! It really is a pain (literally) to get older. We must smile and keep making cookies and believe that will make us feel better. Love the Easter cookies! Hope your knee feels better soon. I find that 2 Alieve after coffee in the am work well for me!


  3. Assuming, of course, the booty and boob cookies are not for the kindergarten class... :)

    1. LOL...yes, they are not for the Kindergarten class!!! Too funny!

  4. I bet the bunny cookies are for me! My kids are going to scream when they see them! Marlene, you are the best.

  5. Super cool cookies! Just love them - some lucky people on that list I bet!

  6. extra thought - how about publishing your recipe for that icing if you are happy to share - it looks so professional - is there a secret?
