Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I've Been Gone Way Too Long, I Know...

Go ahead, let me have it.  I have been a bad blogger.  I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt about it.

Lots has changed since we last talked.

Marshmallow Fondant My Little Pony Toppers

I got a kick ass job as the Head Decorator and Creative Director at an upscale cupcake bakery and cafe in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

I have been there for a few months now and I love it.

Olde Towne Farmers Markets Each Saturday

I still live in my magical Olde Towne.  I just have a heck of a commute.  I don't mind it though.  I enjoy it actually.

Fresh Lemon Blueberry Scone 

Life is good.  I love Fall in Virginia.  I welcome it because after the hot as crap Summer we had, I am ready for some none sweltering temperatures.

I don't do Summer and being hot.  I detest humidity.

Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls

I hope to get back into the habit of writing more. I need it in my life and I disregarded the mental release it gives me to just sit down at the keyboard and tap away.

I have missed being here.

This is Home Girl and I'm still kicking it hard.

1 comment:

  1. You have been busier than...well, I don't know what but you have been damned busy! I love the stuff you are cranking out for Twisted Sisters. Everything is so beautiful. I am so happy that you have found the right position with the right people. Makes all the difference in the world!
