Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Things Paleo Doesn't Fix

I have now been living a Paleo Lifestyle for more than 3 solid months.  The first 60 days were strict, no "cheating", hard core Paleo eating.  After I had become firmly entrenched in the diet by detoxing off sugar, wheat, other bad grains, beans, and other allergen causing foods, I then added back in full fat dairy for two days a week.  This is what we call "Primal".

Now, I use the 80/20 rule where I eat Paleo for 5 days and then more primally for 2 days.  I live for my grass fed cheese and organic heavy cream.  I also increase my carbohydrates on those days to include one more serving of fruit or some sweet potatoes.  This is what works best for me.

I am happy to report that I love it.  I absolutely adore eating and living this way.  It's like something finally clicked for me.  This is the way my body has been wanting to eat all the time.  I just wasn't listening.

I was too busy shoving crap into my mouth and living under the delusion that it was okay.  I never really understood the connection between health/wellness and food.

Over the last three months, I have learned the difference very well.

Last night, I was watching Extreme Weight Loss with Chris Powell, where transformation stories are told every week.  There was a part of the show where Chris went off his clean eating plan and ate junk and crap food for one whole day to show the client what effects poor food choices can have on you.  He could barely make it through half the day after eating McDonalds, Donuts, sodas, and then more McDonalds.  Very similar to the story of Fit, Fat, Fit who also did a cameo appearance on the show.  After consuming all those bad calories and toxins, Chris had to go lay down because he felt like he had the flu.

This was not a staged stunt.  It happens.  In real life.  I know that if I were to go back to eating a traditional Standard American Diet (SAD), I would experience the same effects.

A month into my Paleo journey, I was caught in an emergency food situation and the only choice I had was eating a Pop Tart or going hungry.  I should have chose to fast, but I ate the damn Pop Tart.

It made me so sick within an hour that I was forced to go home and get into bed.

I never made that mistake again.

Grilled Chicken Breast with Butter Sauteed Vegetables and Sauerkraut 
The positive changes that Paleo has provided me far out weigh any reason for eating something processed or on my allergen food list.

Paleo has given me:

healthy hair and nails
gorgeous skin
natural tan without using sunscreen
better joint mobility
loss of fat and increased muscle mass
great sleep schedule
mood stability
resolved health issues like blood sugar, blood pressure, heart health, and chronic pain
want for simplicity
need for being outdoors
and lastly....
weight loss.

Paleo BBQ'd Beef Ribs with butter fried Green Beans and Smithfield Ham Bits
Did you notice that I said, weight loss last.  Honestly, a Paleo diet has changed my life so much for the better, by the way I feel, that I really am not obsessed with numbers on a scale any more.  There is no magical number I am hoping to achieve.  I don't weigh myself obsessively.  I know where I started and although I do weigh on my monthly anniversary to get a more complete picture of my progress, it is not the biggest indication of my achievement.  To me, I see the most in my monthly update photos and by how loose my clothes are fitting.

In three more days, I unveil my 3 month comparison.  I'm completely happy with where my life is headed.

There are good days and there are bad days.  Just because it's Paleo, it's still called life.

Bacon Veggie Omelet with Fresh Sliced Oranges

There are things that Paleo does not fix, as hard as is it to believe, but I am working on it.  I try to spend as much time fixing my thinking as I do about learning real nutrition skills.

I am a work in progress.

Paleo Does Not Fix:

Weather, although this is the FIRST Summer I have loved in a long time because Paleo's are more heat tolerant.
Financial Problems
Osteo-arthritis Damage

Paleo is however, showing me a different way to seek solutions.  To seek happiness and self love.  To be absolutely okay right where I am currently.

I get excited when my life becomes a little unsettled because that is usually when something really awesome is getting ready to happen.

I really like awesome.

This is Home Girl.  Paleo.  No Fear/No Excuses

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the title, the first thing that popped into my mind was, it doesn't fix stupid! LOL I laughed out loud when I saw that was first on your list. You are truly an inspiration and you help me stay focused and you are a huge reason I'm managed to get the boyfriend to give me 30 days! I will be over the moon estastic if his blood pressure comes down, anything else will be icing on the cake.

    Stay strong, you're awesome!!!
