Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's Almost Turkey Day!!

Thanksgiving Feast

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy 
have nary a lump,
May your yams be delicious 
and your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off your thighs!  

Author Unknown

Thanksgiving has always been one of my most favorite holidays of the year.  I try to be very grateful all year long for the blessings that God has provided for me, but it is always nice to spend some time thinking about the highlights of the previous year.

Here is my Top Ten list of things I am thankful for this year.

1. I am thankful that I have minimal joint damage in my hands.  Although my feet, ankle, knee, and hip joints are all jacked which make working in a traditional bakery impossible, I am blessed that I can sit and decorate cookies.

2.  I am extremely thankful for my medical team that helps me wade through this maze of figuring out what is causing my joint degeneration and other health issues.

3.  I am thankful for Wilton Squeeze bottles.  I never thought I would say that.  Ever.  I must admit though that basing a lot of cookies is SO much easier with them.

4.  I am thankful for Smithfield Ham from Smithfield, Virginia.  It's where I will be traveling to tomorrow to imbibe on as much pig as I can stand.

5.  I am thankful for fuzzy, warm socks and Ugg boots.

6.  I am very thankful for my all my kids, both by birth and the ones my heart adopted.

7.  I am thankful for all my wonderful friends.  God has blessed me with the most amazing people in my life and I appreciate each one of you!

8.  I am thankful to God for never allowing me to have a hardened heart.

9.  I am thankful for my Mentor Mothers who help guide me through life, impart their wisdom on me, and never let me have a full fledged temper tantrum.

10.  I am thankful for the Cookie Community to which I belong.  I can not imagine a nicer group of people on this Earth.

I am also thankful for repaired, long lost bridges to the ones you love the most.  

This is Home Girl and I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday and a wonderful Hanukkah.  

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