Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas In Olde Towne
This will be my first Christmas in Olde Towne and I am very much enjoying every moment. I love to walk about on the streets and see everything, hear the music, and smell the holiday treats for the senses. I do not want to miss a single thing. There are times however, like today, when I am struck with a migraine that immobilizes me. The extremely cold temperatures we are left with, force me to stay inside and try to get the pain to break. I am not a medicine taker, therefore I am trying all my homeopathic solutions with not much success. I am hoping a hot shower and a nap will do the trick because "Home Girl" does not like to feel crappy.
This past weekend was suppose to be a wonderful time to be in Olde Towne. Saturday was to host The Olde Towne Holiday Music Festival, a day filled with singers and musicians in all forms from young to old. Old Man Winter had other plans and the festival was a wash out with rain and wind. I was lucky enough to get out the night before to snap a few photos during the set up.
There are these wonderful chimneys set up through Olde Towne where one can warm their hands or have a roasted marshmallow from a city fireman.
Homes are dressed in traditional holiday greens. From an environmentalist's stand point, going green is beautiful and Earth friendly; from a historical stand point, it is proper to honor the traditions brought forth by the colonists. God Save The Queen.
I have a serious "thing" for this style of decorating. I naturally gravitate towards it. It must be from all those years visiting Colonial Williamsburg during Christmas time, hearing the tales of glorious food from the Groaning Board dinner at the Williamsburg Lodge, or the smell of fresh cut pine wafting about.
Olde Towne is so festive at this time of year, whether you walk through the streets during the day or see the candlelit homes at night. It is such a special time and I know how blessed, I truly am.
There are more cookies to bake making the house smell so yummy...there is hot chocolate to drink from a snowflake mug, in hopes of more snow.
The most wonderful part is when we get decorations like this!!! I seriously could not want for more. It still strikes me sometimes, when I will stop and smile and think..."I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world".
This is Home Girl and I love calling Olde Towne home.
WE are the lucky ones that you are back. xoxoxo sister.