Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Did It All By Myself

I gnawed at my brain, I threw many temper tantrums, I refused to get help to physically come here and do it for me, I read, I read, and I read some more...and then I sat there and watched this water stream back and forth for about 20 minutes.  Nothing changed in my brain.  Nada, zip, hellllloooooo..anybody in there??

I had some Starbucks, calmed down, and went to work on getting my blog to stretch...to expand into something that would feature my photos in a way I liked.  I might mention I had a Skinny Caramel Macchiato to off set that donut which I did share with someone.

I felt like a puny little kid without it.  I felt like this seagull.  If sea gull's growled, this one certainly would have.

Not any more....because I did it all by myself with a little encouragement from some commenter's.  Thanks!

Now I feel like Simba from Lion King.  I feel like a big kid and I'm happy with that.  There is still some tweaking I want to do, but it's getting there.

This is Home Girl, hear me roar....Rawwrrrrr.


  1. Looks great, Marlene! I love the simple white framing and drop shadows on the photos. NICE JOB!

  2. I like the seagull.
    I think if he could talk I would have to cover my ears. My delicate sensibilities and all, you know.

  3. Your blog looks GRRRRRREAT! I think it may have been the Starbucks or at least it helped a lot. And old fashioned glazed donuts go with anything. Really. I know and I'm tangenting (is that a word?). Happy dancing for you because you did it!

  4. You definitely get two thumbs up from me!

  5. Looks great! Trust me, I know how you fee! I can spend hours and hours obsessing and trouble shooting something on the blog (for example: the striped wallpaper I just added). It was hours of work and I'm still not sure I like it :o/ But on the bright side, your page looks great! I love"big photo" layouts :)

  6. i love it! you've grown so much...makes me proud to call you my best friend!
