Monday, January 3, 2011

Best Face of 2010 at iheartfaces

I have absolutely no clue as to the rules for iheartfaces, but I promised myself I would get out there and jump into learning.  So here it goes.

Picking one photo to be the Best Face of 2010 is very easy for me.  It's a shot I took recently when he wasn't's my Russia, my love.

Russia isn't a fan of having his picture taken but through his love for me, he tolerates my constant picture taking.

He doesn't bat an eye anymore when I take food porn photos in restaurants.

He instinctively understands that my camera and her charged battery go

He doesn't worry when he turns around and I am no where to be found...because I have aimlessly walked off in search of a shot that has peaked my interest.

He will sit and look at all my photos after I am done processing them.  I smile when he lingers on the one's of himself.

I love him with all my heart and I know without a doubt that he loves me, too.

This is Home Girl and I heart this face.


  1. Love is wonderful! Good luck in the contest!Love your blog btw!

  2. He is so handsome. He looks like he is 10. Boys age so well. Darn them : ) I am glad you entered. It is so much fun over there.
