Friday, January 14, 2011

It's In a Female's Genes

 Yesterday, I courageously volunteered to babysit for a dear friend who needed to have a medical procedure performed, called a Gastric GES study.  She runs an in-home day care and the time away from her business would have caused numerous problems for many, so being a champ I accepted her plea.

Plus, she greeted me with a whole pot of coffee with designer creamer at the crack of dawn and before I left, she gifted me with many wonderful pieces of quilting fabric.  I need a shirt that says, "Will Work For  Fabric".

I figured it wouldn't be "that" bad and it was only for a few hours.  I brought my camera so that I could practice taking baby face photos.  I did get some awesome pictures from the 200 plus pictures I shot.

Did I mention there were 7 children, all four years of age and under???  Oh, she may have forgotten to tell me this information as well when I agreed to the gig, but it ended up being a wonderul experience.  I had a lot of fun.

We sang songs, we played with toys, we watched Dora the Explorer and Sponge Bob, we even played "Home Girl is a Jungle Gym" was a great day.

Yes, we all survived unscathed.

When I was editing the photos last night, before I fell into bed from exhaustion...I giggled when I got to these particular shots.  I think it is so typical of females.  We want "what we want"...and we will get "what we want", no matter the costs.

or at least we try...

This is Home Girl and I'm still exhausted, but I thoroughly enjoyed my day!!


  1. You are a braver person than I!!!

  2. They're babies! That's a lot of work, but I bet you were a WONDERFUL caregiver :)

  3. You can suevive just about anything for a few hours, right? Your friend must have lots of patience to handle 7 kids under the age of 4!!

  4. Well I don't believe in gender stereotypes you know, but they are cute photos. :)

  5. Just my own 2 grandchildren under 7 do me in in a couple of hours.

  6. You are a GREAT friend : ) Isn't shooting baby faces fun. Lots and lots of work for sure, but very fun! LOVE that you had an eventful day : )
