Thursday, January 13, 2011

This and That Thursday by Mental Pause Mama

 It has been so difficult to let go of Christmas this year.  I wanted it to last forever.  I really have a difficult time expressing how much I enjoyed the holidays, but I think you all know just how magical it was for me.

Slowly, but surely we are packing up the last little bits of the decorations and putting them away until next year.  I hope we can carry the spirit of joy in our hearts all year long.  I thank God for all His wonderful blessings that he generously bestows upon us each day.

I am honestly not having a hard time wanting Winter to be over with this year.  It felt like we went straight from Halloween into the depths of Old Man Winter.  I am absolutely obsessed with snow, but even this Winter has been a little much.

I dream of warm, Spring days sitting in My Secret Garden, listening to the birds chirp, and sipping an ice tea with lemon, basking in the muted glow of the Sun.

I wonder what kind of hellish experience it would be to live here...with "this" staircase.  Can you imagine carrying grocery parcels up this??

Why is it I seem to have a penchant for taking photos through windows??  

I do have this quilt to work on and that will keep the Santa Spirit in me whenever I get to work on it.  I certainly hope I can get it finished soon and then off to my local shop to be professionally quilted.  This started out as a lap quilt and by the time I am finished, it should be a large twin size.  It will be perfect for  Russia's grandmother.

This is Home Girl and I want to know what it is that you are pondering today?  Deuces.


  1. Love the quilt. A perfect gift. That's a lot of snow! What is up with the weather??? Still snow/iced in at home in the ATL. Spring seems very far away.

  2. So what do you mean when you say it has to go off to the shop to be professionally quilted?

    I was pondering the thought that I quite like P Diddy, and whether to mention that or not? :D

  3. pondering ............ more coffee. Too cold to get up to get it. Too lazy, I mean.

  4. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so darned cold!

    Those stairs - whoa....that's nuts!

  5. I'm pondering how I'm going to make it through a concert tonight! I completely forgot about it and I was looking to sleep as soon as I got home :o/
