Monday, January 3, 2011

Thoughts On A New Year

Feeling wonderfully pensive this afternoon for some odd reason.  I don't know, I guess I am enjoying the warm afterglow that the holidays left me with.  Christmas meant so much to me this year, and it wasn't so much in the awesome camera that Santa brought me (although I will reiterate that it is the best present ever), but more so in the togetherness of people whom I have grown deeply attached to.

I got another present today, when I was allowed the great honor of spending a lunch with a dear blogging friend.  We had the best time over a Margarita pizza fresh from a stone oven, sharing laughs, and acting as if we have known each other forever.  When she mentioned family, I knew each and every one.  She equally knew mine.  This is one of the things I have grown to love about blogging, one of the concepts I want to carry into the New Year...I want us all to realize that in some ways, we are the deepest of friendships.  Blogging allows that, as we share our deepest thoughts, our joys, our loves, our sorrows, and our fears.  We expose our selves in a more authentic mask then we allow the other world to see.  Our blogs are who we are and who we want to become.

I guess this past year has been a difficult blogging year for me...I have gone through so many changes that sometimes I feel dizzy, but it's all been worth it.  The ups, the downs, the good, the bad...there is very little that I would have changed, as the lesson was worth the learning.  Today I feel shiny and new, like anything is possible.  I know I can handle anything with grace...and prayer.

I am blessed that my blog encourages my creativity in life.  There have been so many times when I would see something in my mind and think, "That would make an awesome blog post."  I attend more events in and around the community so that I can capture in pictures the way I would see something.  I am fascinated with decorating schemes, architecture, color, and angles.  I am not afraid to step out of the box.  I also see that in my quilting, which I profess to be doing more of in the next year.  I am trying to dedicate at least two hours a day to stitching.

Thank you for indulging me with a sappy, thoughtful post today.  I am hoping that after reading this, you can feel the same warm glow I feel.

Auld Lang Syne

This is Home Girl and I wish you nothing but beautiful doors to open in 2011.


  1. The pleasure was all mine! Thanks again for a lovely visit AND a goodie basket!
    Lots of love!!

  2. I am so thankful that you have a new door to go through this year of 2011 : ) Wishing you all the very best as you embark!

    PS Definitely enter your picture. SO excited to see it! YAY!

  3. Your wonderful spirit and resolve are such an inspiration to me. I am so happy that you are happy and surrounded by good people who are good for you. Best wishes for a great 2011 my friend!

  4. yep and love the pics keep on taking them :)

  5. Taking time to contemplate the new year myself lately. Three couples that we have come to be close with spent the eve of the new year here with us. As we all ate breakfast on new year's day I proposed that we all make a one word resolution. Mine was organize. Organizing my thoughts as well as my belongings. Happy New Year, my friend!

  6. Blogging really is a unique thing. Every time I am sure I am ready to abandon blogging, I find I can't leave the bloggers themselves. I do think those friendships are such a gift!

  7. I'm so thankful for blogging/bloggers! Without it, I would've never discovered my passion for photography or made the amazing friendships I've grown so fond of :) Happy New YEar to you & enjoy that camera!!
