Thursday, February 3, 2011

Maybe The Groundhog Wasn't Lying

While a greater majority of the United States was going crazy with Winter weather yesterday, I enjoyed a breezy and balmy Wednesday near 70 degrees.

I know...don't hate.

The glorious temperatures provided a much needed chance to walk about Olde Towne as much as I pleased...and it was wonderful.  For those of you that aren't familiar with me, I live in the historical district of Portsmouth, Virginia.  It is simply called Olde Towne and it's a magical place.  I have left and come back and this quaint little sea village is still able to thrill my heart.  It captivates my soul.

I guess that's when you know you really love something.  That feeling is your sign, that you can bloom where you are planted.

As I was walking, I noticed something coming up from the dark brown soil...could it be?  "No, that what I think it is?"

Yes,'s your sign!!!  Spring is actually on it's way!

 Where man sees but withered leaves,
God sees sweet flowers growing.
~Albert Laighton

Maybe we should rely on animals to predict the weather more often??

This is Home Girl and I wish you beautiful green buds to brighten your day.


  1. Spring!!! Already???? You are so lucky..:)

  2. It's pretty mild and sunny here in the UK. I'm not a fan of Spring really, just bring on the summer!!

  3. OK...I am green with envy! It's about 35 degrees here! Not sure what happened to the gorgeous weather we had over the weekend...I want it BACK!

  4. Okay. It's 2 degrees here. But it's going up to 23 later. Spring, huh?

  5. lovely I love the spring the new the colors the smells... bring on spring :)

  6. Looks like an adorable place to live!

    Camila F.

  7. Ummm....yea! I'm certainly hating! ;o) We just enjoyed an ice storm and I had to use another day off. I'm not a happy camper :(

  8. I rely on animals to predict the weather, lol. I love the turn of the season and all the beauty that awaits.

  9. Thanks for the glances of spring--and for the prayers for Mama. I'm hanging in here--by my fingernails--but hanging!It's hard to feel like I have no control over anything--but in truth--none of us ever do.

  10. Can I say...jealous! I am in the middle of a snowstorm and can't get out of the house! I think we are -7 degrees today! Thanks for showing me what spring can be like, hope it gets here sooner than later!!! Thanks so much for entering the giveaway for my etsy shop RosiePosieDesigns on April's blog!!!

  11. LOVE seeing those bulbs sprout. It shouldn't be too long for us, either. Yeah!

  12. I love the signs of spring. :) It's been a bit warmer here as well. Still long sleeves weather, but we don't have to have the heater on anymore --yay!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Oh spring is indeed right around the corner!

  14. Are you kidding me! I am so jealous! I am uber thankful that the sun is shining today. It is still freezing though. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
