Monday, February 7, 2011

A Whirlwind Weekend

Sorry to be in a rush, but I am trying to get out the door for a food photo shoot...and I wasn't home at all over the weekend.  The few hours I was home, were spent napping.

I love a good nap.  Don't you?  I love Sunday Morning Pancakes, too.

I will catch up with everyone later on tonight and tomorrow when things calm down for me, for at least two days.

I love my life.

This is Home Girl and yes, he ate it all!


  1. Oh boy to be that young again and not to give a damn about how many calories are in food!

  2. Man...those pancakes look so good to me right now! Lots and lots of syrup is the only way to go!

  3. I am a BIG fan of pancakes. And bacon.
